In-Person Interviews

Original Content Created by Heather R. Houlton (heather dot houlton at gmail dot com)

In-person Interviews: Once you get to the in-person interview, it's really your time to shine. You've likely passed a number of tests so far, and you're one of the several (or few) finalists. There are a few things that employers look for when conducting the in-person interview:

  • Your ability to communicate. This includes how you interact with your potential supervisor, how you communicate with and get along with others in the team, and potentially how well you communicate with high superiors or those in leadership positions. Advice: Although the in-person interview gives you the opportunity to demonstrate your knowledge and skills, be sure to practice active listening and ask them questions. The interview is just as much about them interviewing you as it is you interviewing them. Make sure you have a back-and-forth dialogue that demonstrates your ability to collaborate, listen, and be a part of a team. 
  • Your professionalism. This is more nuanced. Professionalism is demonstrated through your verbal and non-verbal communication, how you exhibit respect towards others no matter what their position is within the company, and punctuality, for example. 
  • How you demonstrate your passion for this kind of work. Are you intrinsically motivated? Or are you just there for a paycheck? Employers want to know that the investment they make in a new hire will have a high return. There is an increased likelihood of that high return if the new hire is genuinely passionate and dedicated to the the position and the company. You can show this during in the in-person interview through enthusiasm, your keen ability to speak clearly about your work, skills, and knowledge and what you will bring to the position and company. 

The following article may be helpful for you when thinking about the in-person (and other!) interviewing processes. Have a look at this and be prepared to answer some questions at the end of this section. 

Presentations, projects, or skills-demonstrations: Many times, the in-person interview will also have a requirement where candidates must give a formal presentation on a given topic, and/or be able to demonstrate their skills during a short project or "test." In most cases, you will be informed about these requirements prior to your interview. In the case of giving a formal presentation, you'll likely receive a prompt with guidance on what they expect and what topic they'd like you to cover. Treat this as if you would a midterm or final exam. Be thoughtful, creative, and pay attention to detail when crafting your presentations!