SAC Command Reference Manual


PLOTPK Cursor Options

char meaning
a Designate first arrival in header {1,7}.
b Display previous plot (if there is one).
c Evaluate first arrival and end of event {1,4,7}.
d Set phase direction to DOWN (precedes P or S phase pick).
e Set phase onset to EMERGENT (precedes P or S phase pick)
f Define end of event {1,2,3,7}..
g Display picks to terminal in HYPO format {4}.
h If CHPF precedes call to PLOYPK, write picks to HYPO pick file {3,4}.
i Set phase onset to IMPULSIVE (precedes P or S phase pick).
j Set noise level {2,6,8}.
l Saves and lists x and y values for cursor location {2,4}.
m Compute maximum amplitude waveform {2,3,5}.
n Display next plot (if there is one).
Zoom Out => Displays previous plot window.
A maximum of five windows are saved.
p Designate P wave arrival time {1,2,3,7}.
q Terminate PLOTPK immediately.
s Designate S wave arrival time {1,2,3,7}.
Designate user time Tn in header {1,2,7}.
Next keystroke should be an integer between 0 and 9.
u Set phase direction to UP (precedes P or S phase pick).
v Define a Wood-Anderson waveform {2,5}.
w Define a general waveform {2,5}.
Set Zoom window
  • Set beginning of zoomed plot
  • If x is second keystroke, set end of zoomed window and display
  • If s is second keystroke, defined zoomed plot limits are saved and used as xlims for subsequent plots
Set zero (reference) level {2,6,8}. If reference is on with a value
f, two more horizontal lines are drawn at +/- f from the z line.
'+' Set phase direction to PLUS (precedes P or S phase pick).
'-' Set phase direction to MINUS (precedes P or S phase pick).
' ' Set the phase direction to NEUTRAL (precedes P or S phase pick).
'n' Set phase quality to n, n=0,1,2,3, or 4. (precedes P or S phase pick)


  • {1} Written to SAC header.
  • {2} Written to alphanumeric pick file if open.
  • {3} Written to HYPO pick file if open.
  • {4} Written to terminal window.
  • {5} Terminal echo is a box encompassing waveform.
  • {6} Place horizontal cursor at designated level before typing command letter.
  • {7} Terminal window echo is a labeled vertical line.
  • {8} Terminal window echo is a labeled horizontal line.


Version 102.0