SAC Command Reference Manual



Produces a plot for the picking of arrival times.


PLOTPK options

where options are one or more of the following:



PERPLOT n:Plots n files per frame.
PERPLOT ON:Plots n files per frame. Use last value for n.
PERPLOT OFF:Plots all files on one frame.
BELL OFF:keystrokes are silent.
BELL ON:Rings bell on each keystroke in active window.
ABSOLUTE:Plot files treating time as an absolute. Files with different begin times will be shifted relative to each other.
RELATIVE:Plot files relative to that file's begin time.
GMT:Display pick times in absolute (GMT) format.
ZERO:Display pick times relative to each files's zero time.
REFERENCE v:Turn reference line display on and change reference value to v.
REFERENCE ON:Turn reference line display on using last value of v.
REFERENCE OFF:Turn reference line display off.
MARKALL ON:Store picks in headers of all the waveform files displayed on the plot.
MARKALL OFF:Store pick in the header of only the file marked by the crosshair center.
SAVELOCS OFF:Do not save pick locations in the blackboard.
SAVELOCS ON:Save pick locations (from l keystrokes) to blackboard variables.




The format of the PLOTPK plot is similiar to the PLOT1 plot. When the crosshairs comes on, you position the crosshair center at a point on the displayed waveform and enter single-character keystrokes to perform various functions. Some but not all keystrokes produce graphic output on the screen. Error and output messages are printed at the top of the plot window.

Mouse clicks only produce a printout at the top of the plot window of the crosshairs center current position.

Picks that are currently in the header are automatically displayed on the screen as vertical lines at the pick time with labels. Output from some keystrokes can be directed to the SAC header, to a alphanumeric file, or a hypo pick file if open (see OAPF and OHPF). If REFERENCE is on with a value v, if z is typed, there will be a "zero-level" horizontal line drawn at the crosshair center plus two additional horizontal lines at +/- v.

If option SAVELOCS is ON, crosshair-center locations from L keystrokes are saved to blackboard variables as follows:

NLOCS:The number of locations picked during the execution of this command. This is initialized to 0 each time PLOTPK is invoked and incremented by 1 each time a location pick is made.
XLOCn:The x value for the nth pick. This will be the GMT time of the pick if the reference time fields in the header are defined. Otherwise, this will be an offset time.
YLOCn:The y value for the nth pick.

The command PLOTPKTABLE lists valid keystroke options for PLOTPK.

If one tries to resize the plot window during PPK, SAC exits with an error message. Plot window resizing must be done before entering PPK.


The following example starts by opening an alphanumeric pick file, reads in a time-series file UOM1.Z (that is in directory doc/examples/),and calls ppk. In ppk I first expand the window to fill the screen, then it picks the P arrival and the P amplitude and then the S arrival time and amplitude. After exiting ppk, I display the picks from the header and the bb variables. I close the APF file and display its contents:

 SAC> oapf name
 SAC> r UOM1.Z
 SAC> ppk
    ** Description                Key (case-insensitive)
    ** Zoom in to the P arrival:  x then x (or click and drag)
    ** Pick P arrival time:       i u 0 p  (Impulsive, Up, Quality 0, P arrival)
    ** Pick P amplitude:          l
    ** Expand view:               o
    ** Zoom in to the S arrival:  x then x (or click and drag)
    ** Pick S arrival time:       i u 1 s  (Impulsive, Up, Quality 1, S arrival)
    ** Pick S amplitude:          l
    ** Quit PPK:                  q
 SAC> lh picks
    AMARKER = 0.25379  (IPU0)      T0MARKER = 0.44422   (ISU1)
SAC> getbb    ! Note that picks are not saved as bb variables, only l
   TLOC1 = 0.274248
   TLOC2 = 0.465606
   XLOC1 = 'NOV 04 (308), 2011 17:17:22.967'
   XLOC2 = 'NOV 04 (308), 2011 17:17:23.159'
   YLOC1 = 811.226
   YLOC2 = 12580.1
SAC> capf
SAC> cat APF
   UOM1.Z      IPU0     2011308 17 17 22.95      18.04
   UOM1.Z      LOC      2011308 17 17 22.97      811.2
   UOM1.Z      ISU1     2011308 17 17 23.14     -8.896
   UOM1.Z      LOC      2011308 17 17 23.16  1.258e+04

The P pick is stored in header variable A, and the (IPU) in KA. The S pick is stored in T0 with (ISD1) in KT0.


Depending upon user responses any of A, KA, F, KF, Tn, KTn.


  • 1301: No data files read in.
  • 1202: Maximum number of vars sections exceeded:


  • 1502: Bad crosshairs center position. Please retry.
    • crosshair center is positioned outside of the plot window.
  • 1503: Invalid character. Please retry.
    • A character was input that SAC didn't recognize as a legal response.
  • 1905: Need an integer. Retry.
    • Didn't input an integer following the T response.
  • 1906: Need an integer in the range 0 to 4. Retry.
    • Didn't input a 0, 1, 2 or 3 after a Q response.
    • Adjust crosshair center position and retry. Plot is always in ABSOLUTE mode.




Version 102.0