1962 Qazvin (Iran) Earthquake Archive

1962 9/01 19:20 UTC 35.56N 49.81E 19km          Ms=6.9, Qazvin, Iran

The death toll of this earthquake was over 12,000.  It was named "The Great Buyin-Zahra Earthquake" by the Institute of Geophysics, Tehran University.

Since we have very little information about this earthquake, we urge scientists and engineers who have studied this earthquake to contribute their materials for this archive.  Please contact William H. K. Lee at:
lee@usgs.gov (office), or whklee@ix.netcom.com (home).

Contributors: Charles R. Hutt, William H. K. Lee.

1.Seismograms of the 1962 Qazvin (Iran) Earthquake:     Selected WWSSN seismograms from this earthquake were scanned as part of the ICSU Scanning Project.
Please note that there were two earlier earthquakes occurred on the same date:      1962 9/01 03:46 UTC  51.25N 179.66W  M=6.5    1962 9/01 07:51 UTC  51.22N 179.79W  M=?

link to compressed tif file directory (.gz format)

2. References:
Afshar, H. K. (?). “Report on the Great Buyin-Zahra Earthquake of Sep. 1st 1962”, Pub. No. 15, The Institute of Geophysics, Tehran University, Tehran University Press, 78 pp. and figures, photos,
seismograms, and maps.

Ambraseys, N. N., and Melville, C. P. (1982). “A History of Persian Earthquakes.”“, Cambridge Univ. Press, 219 pp.

(Last Updated: September 4, 2004)