1968 Valle del Belice (Italy) Earthquake Archive

1968 1/15 02:01 UTC 37.78N  13.03E  3km           M=6.5, Val deBelice, Italy

The death toll of this earthquake was over 200.

Since we have very little information about this earthquake, we urge scientists and engineers who have studied this earthquake to contribute their materials for this archive.  Please contact William H. K. Lee at:
lee@usgs.gov (office), or whklee@ix.netcom.com (home).

Contributors: Charles R. Hutt, William H. K. Lee.


1. Seismograms of the 1968 Valle del Belice (Italy) Earthquake

    Selected WWSSN seismograms from this earthquake were scanned as part of the ICSU Scanning Project.
Please note that there were other earthquakes occurred before and after this earthquake.

link to compressed tif file directory (.gz format)

2. References:

Boschi, E., Guidoboni, E., Ferrari, G., Mariotti, D., Valensise, G., and Gasperini, P. (eds.). (2000). Catalogue of strong Italian earthquakes from 461 B.C. to 1997: Introductory texts and CD-ROM, Ann. Geofis. 43, 609-868.

(Last Updated: September 16, 2004)