SAC Command Reference Manual: SSS



Computes traveltime of selected phases for pre-defined velocity models Description and examples assume the calls are made from within SSS. The source file is the same as the non-SSS version, and this file has only an example that uses SSS plotting. For the full description, see TRAVELTIME.


This example is the same traveltime run as in TRAVELTIME, but here for the final plot we use PLOTRECORDSECTION:

SAC> datagen sub deep  bla.r kev.r kip.r pas.r ; rtr
SAC/SSS> traveltime quiet picks 0 phase sPP
SAC/SSS> traveltime  quiet picks 1 phase P pP sP S sS SKS
SAC/SSS> dw units degrees fixed 50 90 ;  tw 400 1500
SAC/SSS> prs orient port ttime on labels kstcmp
SAC/SSS> save sakhalin-picks-prs.xpm

One must put SAC files in memory before entering SSS. We use the default aspect ratio in prs, so if we had used SAVEIMG to create a PDF file, the output plot would have errors.



Version 102.0