SAC Command Reference Manual



Generate a GMT (Generic Mapping Tools) map which can include station/event symbols topography and station names using all the files in SAC memory and an optional event file specified on the command line. Event symbols can be scaled according to magnitude, residual, etc. A variety of projections are available. The result of this command is a postscript file and a screen display of that file plus a shell script with the GMT commands that produced the plot.


MAP   {MERcator | EQuidistant | AZimuthal_equidistant | ROBinson }
  {WEST minlon} {EAST maxlon} {NORTH maxlat} {SOUTH minlat}
  {MAGnitude | REsidual | RMean_residual}
  {EVentfile filename} {TOPOgraphy} {STANames}
  {MAPSCALE on|off } {PLOTSTATIONS on|off} {PLOTEVENTS on|off}
  {PLOTLEGEND on|off} {LEGENDXY x y} {FILE output-file}

Note Shorthand notations for keywords are in capital letters.


MERCATOR:Generate a Mercator projection. [ Default ]
EQUIDISTANT:Generate an Equidistant cylindrical projection. Linear in latitude and longitude.
ROBINSON:Robinson projection, nice for world map.
LAMBERT:Good for large east-west areas.
UTM:Universal transverse mercator. (unimplemented) Distances from center are true.

The following options allow the user to specify the map region. The default is to use the min and max defined by the plotted stations and events.

WEST:Define minimum longitude for map window.
EAST:Define maximum longitude for map window.
NORTH:Define maximum latitude for map window.
SOUTH:Define minimum latitude for map window.
AUTOLIMITS:Automatically Determine the Limits [ Default ]

The following options allow the user to add locations and annotations to the map.

STANames:On | [ Off ]
MAPSCALE:On | [ Off ] - Plot a Distance Scale on the Map
PLOTSTATIONS:[ On ] | Off - Plot all the Stations from seismograms
PLOTEVENTS:[ On ] | Off - Plot all the Events from eventfile and/or seismograms

The following options allow the user to scale the event symbols. The default is a constant symbol size.


Scale event symbols linearly with user0. [ Off ]


Scale event symbols linearly with abs(user0). [ Off ] Positive values are (+) negatives are (-).


Same as residual except mean is removed [ Off ] from all the residuals.


[ On ] | Off - Plot a legend for Earthquake Magnitudes and Residuals


Absolute Location to Plot the Legend [ 1,1 ] The location is relative to the lower left corner of the Page Values for x and y are to be in inches. This is a legend for Earthquake Magnitudes and Residuals


Specify a free-format ASCII text file containing additional event data. Each line in the file contains data for a single event. The first two columns of each line must contain latitude and longitude (in degrees), respectively. The third column is optional and contains symbol size information (e.g., magnitudes, depth, travel-time residual, ...). The following is an example of a few lines in an eventfile:

38.5    42.5   6.5
25.5    37.3   5.5
44.2    40.9   5.7

On | [ Off ] Setting TOPO on allows the user to add topography and bathymetry to the maps. The command reads option (1) in, and the data file referenced for that option must be installed. The topography color map used is in $SACAUX/ctables/gmt.cpt. The grid files are written in the current directory.

The default output file is An alternative file name can be specified using the FILE option.



A title can be added using ch TITLE "..." before running map.


Station latitudes (stla) and longitudes (stlo) must be set. If event latitudes (evla) and longitudes (evlo) are set they will be included in the map. If this command is executed after running BBFK, MAP will plot a great circle arc path along the back azimuth.

This version of MAP was based on version 4.0 of the Generic Mapping Tools software and it assumes that the GMT4.0 software is loaded on the user's machine and the executables are in the path.

The results of each MAP command are written to a shell file called gmt.csh, in the current directory. The user can modify this file to take advantage of GMT options not readily available through SAC. Default units are in inches, but can be changed in the shell script.

The results of each MAP command will automatically be displayed. The default program used to create the display is gs (ghostscript). The user can choose an alternative display tool by setting the SACPSVIEWER environmental variable. The default is:


Possible values for SACPSVIEWER on different platforms may include:

Linux:    gs, gv, ggv, evince
Mac/OSX:  open, Preview, gs, gv
Sun/Solaris:  gs, gv