SAC Command Reference Manual



Search for, build requests and download data


    { catalog:event_id }
    { duration }
    { region w e s n }
    { origin lon lat }
    { radial min_radius max_radius }
    { time start end }
    { network net,to,use } { station sta,tions,to,get }
    { location 00,10,-- } { channel hhz,bh? }
    { in station_file }
    { out request_file }
    { max size_in_MB }
    { request request_file }
    { d | raw | quality | modified | best | merged | qc | unknown }
    { verbose }
    { ph5 }
    { sac }
    { read }
    { mseed | miniSEED }
    { more }


avail | download:
 Display the Availability or Download data
 Use an eventid to set the origin and start time. Catalogs may be usgs, isc, or gcmt. Use the EVENT command to get eventids
duration:Set the end time using a duration
region:Set the region to request stations within: west east south north
origin:Set the origin location: lon lat
radial:Set the radius limits in degrees: min_radius max_radius
time:Set the start and end times. End times can be set relatively
network:Set a collection of networks. Accepts lists and wildcards.
station:Set a collection of stations. Accepts lists and wildcards.
location:Set a collection of locations. Accepts lists and wildcards.
channel:Set a collection of channels. Accepts lists and wildcards.
in:Input station file for building the data request File format is space delimited with Network and Station in the 1st and 2nd columns. This file can be obtained from STATION.
out:Output request file for saving the data request to run later
prefix:Prefix for miniSEED data files
ph5:Get additional data from the IRIS PH5 Web service. This option provides access to active-source data sets and their associated stations with high sample rates and time-limited deployments.
sac:Convert the miniSEED data into sac files and save. Station meta data is obtained for the stations. If an event is specified, event meta data is also used
mseed:(or miniSEED) Save the miniSEED files
read:Read the data following conversion from miniSEED to sac
more:Append to data existing data files in memory
max:Set the data download size for request: size_in_MB
verbose:Watch the details of the data search / download process


DATA  avail  mseed  max 200  loc *  quality best


Search for available data and possibly download the data. Data will be downloaded from multiple data repositories based on where the data is held. Requests are also limited in size, see max size_in_MB, to allow downloading data in reasonable sizes.

Time ranges can be set using a variety of formats, see examples below. End times can be set using a relative value with units. See Data Access for time formats.

EventID from EVENT can be used to identify origin times and locations. They will also be used to set sac file meta data for an event.

MiniSEED filenames will be defined when the request was made and the data center to which the request was made. Use prefix to set the starting portion of miniSEED files.


Let's get some data from station HELL, channels BHZ, from 2013/05/21 for a single hour:

SAC> data sta HELL cha BHZ net * loc * time 2013/05/21 +1h

## REQUEST 1/ 1
BK HELL 00 BHZ 2013-05-21T00:00:00 2013-05-21T01:00:00

No Data Downloaded, use miniSEED, sac, or read to download data

Note that the request is displayed to the screen but the data was not download. If you desire a saved, fuller version of the request, use the out option to save the request. If you want the data, run the same command again with

  • miniSEED option to download miniSEED data
  • sac option to get sac data
  • read to place the data into memory

These options can be used individually or together. You can download data into SAC files and place those files into memory using the sac and read options together. For now, let's just get miniSEED data by appending the the miniSEED option:

SAC> data sta HELL cha BHZ net * loc * time 2013/05/21 +1h miniSEED
Data Center: NCEDC,
        Writing data to fdsnws.2019. [276.00 KiB]

The data is written to a file with the prefix fdsn, the time of the request, the data center which provided the data, and a mseed extension. Note, the time in the file name has no relation to the data within the file.

Alternatively, if the request was saved to a file called request.txt the data can be obtained using:

SAC> data request request.txt
Data Center: NCEDC,
        Writing data to fdsnws.2019. [276.00 KiB]

Another option is to obtain data for a specific event using the duration and channel options. First we need an event:

SAC> event time 2019-05-14 +1d mag 7 cmt
Origin              Lat.   Lon.    Depth  Mag.     Agency EventID
2019-05-14T12:58:41  -3.96  152.53  18.80 7.60 MW  GCMT/- GCMT gcmt:11037207

We can then use the eventid at the end of the line to request data:

SAC> data gcmt:11037207 dur +10m net IU sta * cha BHZ rad 35 45 miniSEED
Data Center: IRISDMC,
Writing data to fdsnws.2019. [584.00 KiB]

An input station file using the IN keyword can also be used to request data:

SAC> station net YE sta SPOLE cha BHZ level station out southpole.txt
Net Sta   Lat.     Lon.      Elev.   SiteName
YE  SPOLE -89.9300  144.4400 2850.00 South Pole, Antarctica

SAC> data time 2014/03/01 +10m cha BHZ in southpole.txt miniSEED
Reading station file: southpole.txt
Data Center: IRISDMC,
        Writing data to fdsnws.2019. [ 22.00 KiB]

It can be useful to see what may be download first; particularly if you forget to specify your desired channels and mistakenly download 10s of channels you are not interested in.

Large downloads will be divided into smaller chunks. The resulting miniSEED files will be merged back together during reading, provided gaps do not exist:

SAC> data net II sta BORG loc 00 cha BHZ time 2015/03/15 +1mo max 200

## REQUEST 1/ 3
II BORG 00 BHZ 2015-03-15T00:00:00.000 2015-03-25T08:00:00.000

## REQUEST 2/ 3
II BORG 00 BHZ 2015-03-25T08:00:00.000 2015-04-04T16:00:00.000

## REQUEST 3/ 3
II BORG 00 BHZ 2015-04-04T16:00:00.000 2015-04-15T00:00:00.000

No Data Downloaded, use miniSEED, sac, or read to download data

Request files are written when requested using the out option or when data is requested/downloaded. The format of the request file starts with the request parameters followed by the individual data center requests. Lines starting with # are comments.

The request file is rewritten as indivdual requests are made allowing for larger requests to be stopped and restarted.

PH5 Example: If data originates from the PH5 Web service and metadata is desired in a resulting sac file, the PH5 option must be provided to tell sac to also search this repository for station metadata. The first example is able to download data, but results in an error when getting data. Adding the PH5 option in the second example below, allows the metadata to be obtained and added to the data:

SAC> data net 9A station 22770 time 2012-08-14 +10sec sac
Data Center: IRISPH5,
      SourceID                Start sample             End sample         Gap
XFDSN:9A_22770__D_P_Z  2012-08-14T00:00:00.000000 2012-08-14T00:00:09.996000  ==
Error 204 (HTTP):

      Writing data to 9A.22770..DPZ.D.2012.227.000000.sac [ 10.38 KiB]

SAC> data net 9A station 22770 time 2012-08-14 +10sec sac  PH5
Data Center: IRISPH5,
        SourceID               Start sample             End sample         Gap
XFDSN:9A_22770__D_P_Z  2012-08-14T00:00:00.000000 2012-08-14T00:00:09.996000    ==
Working on file: 9A.22770..DPZ.D.2012.227.000000.sac [ OK ]
      Writing data to 9A.22770..DPZ.D.2012.227.000000.sac [ 10.38 KiB5



Version 102.0